2021 - Honduras

Our Boundless Academy

Our Boundless Academy supports 26 students and has become the center of the community. It also supports 18 adults with literacy classes to learn to read and write. This is the first school Boundless Foundation built in Honduras. We started it as a private school and has now been acknowledged and is funded by the Municipality. Celebration indeed! During the one year celebration, two students gave a bilingual presentation!

2021 - Honduras

Wakefield Sunshine School

Wakefield Sunshine School opened in July 2021 and supports 23 students between ages 1-9. This is the second school Boundless Foundation funded and was opened in Honduras. This academy started as a feeding center for the children in the community with the Bread and Fishes Program led by Pastora Gina and a small women's mentor group. The children learn basic reading and writing skills, playful activities and are nurtured with nourishing warm meals and receive Bible study classes Since then, the land has been purchased to build a larger school for grades 1-9.

2022 - Honduras

Julio César Gámez School

The school is built on what used to be part of a soccer field that the men of the community would use. They came together and collectively agreed to give up part of their soccer field, for the school. This is a big deal in a country where soccer is by far the most popular sport. They realize the importance of education and want to elevate their community through their children’s learning.

2022 - Rio Blanco, Honduras

Bishara Wilfredo Vásquez School

Located in a remote mountain village, the Bishara Wilfredo Vásquez School supports 27 students, with room to grow. Opened February 2023. Many thanks to our partners CePudo, Food for the Poor, and Impact Investors The Rowden Family. This school will bring students from 5 other communities and can hold up to 90 students.

2022 - Guaimaca, Honduras

Francisco Morazán Night School

The Francisco Morazán Night School supports 80 students. Opened February 2023.The Principal was actually a student of the nightschool. It is an amazing feat for this dedication of the community and students to find a way to learn no matter what.

2023 - Guaimaca, Honduras

Guaracacal School

The Guaracacal School supports130 students. Opened February 2023. Many thanks to our partners CePudo, Food for the Poor, and impact investors at Real Life Foundation.

2023 - Petén, Guatemala

Las Flores Public Rural School

The Guaracacal School supports 130 students. Opened February 2023. Many thanks to our partners CePudo, Food for the Poor, and impact investors at Real Life Foundation.

2023 - Teupasenti, Honduras

La Granja School

La Granja School supports 106 students. Many thanks to our partners CePudo and Food for the Poor, and our impact investors at Real Life Foundation.

2023 - Las Casitas, Honduras

Francisco Morazán School

Francisco Morazán School supports 98 students. Many thanks to our partners CePudo and Food for the Poor, and our impact investors at Real Life Foundation.

2023 - Omoa, Honduras

José Trinidad Reyes School

José Trinidad Reyes School supports 73 students and 3 teachers. Food for the Poor. Many thanks to our partners CePudo and Food for the Poor, and our impact investors at The Light Freedom.

2023 - Buea Cameroon

Ndongo Community School

Classrooms completed in 2023 Estimated number of people helped to date since 2023: 1,790 Estimated number of people to be helped over its expected 30 year lifespan: 26,850. Boundless Foundation partnered with The Global Uplift Project and AFC for this education project.

2023 - Bagmati, Nepal

Water Well for Shree Saraswati Secondary School

Impact 588 Students and an entire community. , A water well and purification system for Shree Saraswati Secondary School in Bagmati, Nepal. The school has 562 students in 12 grades supported by 26 staff. This project will fund a deep bore hole, which will pump ground water through a water filtration system.

At Our Boundless Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of education.

Through our dedicated efforts, we have built schools that provide a safe, nurturing, and inspiring environment for children to learn and grow.

Our schools are more than just buildings; they are centers of hope and opportunity for the communities they serve.

Explore the stories behind the schools we’ve built and see how we are making a difference, one child at a time.

Together, we can create a brighter future through the gift of education.

Boundless Academy in Honduras

Boundless Academy, the first school established by Boundless Foundation in La Entrada, Honduras, opened its doors in May 2021.

The academy quickly became a safe haven for children like Sofia, who previously had limited access to education.

The school not only provided educational opportunities but also offered nutritious meals and a supportive environment.

With the foundation’s help, Sofia and many others are now dreaming of brighter futures, breaking the cycle of poverty, and aspiring to become leaders in their communities.

Wakefield Sunshine School
El Progreso, Toro Honduras

Wakefield Sunshine School opened in July 2021 and supports 23 students between ages 1-9.

This is the second school Boundless Foundation funded and was opened in Honduras.

This academy started as a feeding center for the children in the community with the Bread and Fishes Program led by Pastora Gina and a small women’s mentor group.

The children learn basic reading and writing skills, playful activities and are nurtured with nourishing warm meals and receive Bible study classes Since then, the land has been purchased to build a larger school for grades 1-9.

Julio César Gámez School in Honduras

Julio César Gámez School, built by Boundless Foundation in Guatemala, has become a cornerstone of hope and education for local children.

Previously, many students had to travel long distances to access education. The new school offers a safe, nearby place for learning, complete with nutritious meals and emotional support.

The school has transformed the community, empowering children with knowledge and skills for a brighter future.

Bishara Wilfredo Vásquez School
Rio Blanco, Honduras

Located in a remote mountain village, the Bishara Wilfredo Vásquez School supports 27 students, with room to grow. Opened February 2023. Many thanks to our partners CePudo, Food for the Poor, and Impact Investors The Rowden Family. This school will bring students from 5 other communities and can hold up to 90 students.

Francisco Morazán School

The Francisco Morazán Night School supports 80 students. Opened February 2023.

Many thanks to our partners CEPUDO, Food for the Poor, and impact investors at Gifting Brands, Shannon Rizzo Co, Healthy and Wealthy Dads, and Aligned Love.

This school has a unique story. The students are comprised of children ages 6 to adults in their mid -50’s all attending classes through the day and night from several communities.

The students were learning in a small, borrow space for over 46 years. Finally they have a space of their own to learn.

The Principal was actually a student of the nightschool. It is an amazing feat for this dedication of the community and students to find a way to learn no matter what.

We are so happy to be a part of creating a space for them of their own and for future generations.

Guaracacal School
Guaimaca, Honduras

The Guaracacal School supports130 students. Opened February 2023.

Many thanks to our partners CePudo, Food for the Poor, and impact investors at Real Life Foundation.

Impact of Project:

  • Health has increased for all students improving attendance, learning and morale.
  • Students in each grade have their own desks and a classroom assigned to them.
  • Attendance has increased and 22 more students have enrolled with 50 more registered for next session
  • The school is giving workshops on drug prevention, alcohol prevention, and prevention of premature pregnancies. They will also have workshops on how to prevent violence and bullying.

Las Flores Public Rural School,
Petén, Guatemala

Las Flores Public Rural School supports 106 students. Boundless Foundation partnered with The Global Uplift Project to build 2 classrooms to replace a dilapidated wooden structure that supports multiple grades.

La Granja School
Teupasenti, Honduras

La Granja School supports 106 students from 4 communities.

Many thanks to our partners CePudo and Food for the Poor, and our impact investors at Real Life Foundation.

The Ministry of National Education has committed to hiring 2 more teachers for the school. Since there will be approximately 30 students per class, they will have 1 teacher for every two grades.

José Trinidad Reyes School
Omoa, Honduras

José Trinidad Reyes School supports 73 students and 3 teachers. Food for the Poor. Many thanks to our partners CePudo and Food for the Poor, and our impact investors at The Light Freedom

Safe Water for Nepalese Children

In a remote Nepalese village, children faced health challenges due to contaminated water sources.

Boundless Foundation stepped in and installed a clean water filter at a local school. This simple yet life-changing intervention significantly improved the health of students, allowing them to attend school regularly.

The community now thrives with healthier, happier children who can focus on their studies without the burden of waterborne illnesses.

Empowering Women and Children in Cameroon

In a small village in Cameroon, Boundless Foundation built a school that transformed the lives of many families.

Before the school’s establishment, girls like Amina had limited access to education, often helping with household chores instead of attending classes.

The new school provided a safe and supportive environment where Amina and her peers could learn and grow.

With an education, Amina now dreams of becoming a doctor to serve her community, demonstrating the far-reaching impact of accessible education.